Gakken Compact Vision TV Boy
Image: Nomancam

The preservationist website Gaming Alexandria has announced that it has managed to scan, dump, and preserve every game that was released for the Gakken Compact Vision TV Boy — an obscure game console that was released by the educational toy company/publisher Gakken.

The console, in case you're unfamiliar, was released exclusively in Japan in October 1983 and was much cheaper than many of its competitors at the time (being sold for just ¥8,800). Nevertheless, it suffered to gain a foothold in the market and ultimately failed due to the superiority of the other consoles that were available at the time such as the incredibly popular Nintendo Famicom and the Sega SG-1000.

Only six games were ever released for it in total, including Frogger, Chi Taikuu Dai Sakusen (a port of Konami’s Super Cobra arcade game), Excite Invaders, Mr. Bomb, Robotan Wars, and Shigaisen 200X-nen. And now, thanks to Gaming Alexandria and the writer/YouTuber Jeremy Parish (who supplied Gaming Alexandria with his personal collection of TV Boy games), they have all been documented in full, with the ROMs being made available online, in addition to scans of the manuals and box art. You can play the games now using the yaTVBOY emulator, with instructions on how to do so also being available on the Gaming Alexandria website.

If you want to support Gaming Alexandria for their work, there is a Patreon that you can pledge to. We also recommend checking out Parish's YouTube channel, where the writer is currently taking a closer look at each game released for the system.
