A while back, modder Frogbull got Konami's Metal Gear Solid running on the Sega Saturn – a technical trick which got a lot of Sega fans dreaming of what could have been, had Sega's 32-bit system been a little more popular.

Now, Frogbull is back with another impressive technical achievement – Final Fantasy VII on the Saturn.

One of the most famous JRPGs of all time, Final Fantasy VII helped PlayStation become the world's console of choice during the mid-to-late-'90s, but it was originally intended to appear on a Nintendo system, as all of the previous Final Fantasy titles had done.

However, as was reported in the pages of UK magazine Computer & Video Games at the time of release, Square also considered Saturn as a potential host platform before picking Sony's system.

"While many are familiar with Square's choice to shift the development of Final Fantasy VII to the PlayStation because of the constraints posed by the cartridges of the Nintendo 64, it's not widely known that Square also considered the Sega Saturn for their outstanding game," says the video's description.

The footage is running on Mednafen's Saturn Emulator with ReShade and a CRT shader and looks mightly impressive – and very close to the PS1 original.

[source youtube.com]