1993's Eliminate Down is one of the most collectable games on the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. Developed by Aprinet and published by Soft Vision, it never saw release outside Japan and South Korea (Samsung stepped in as publisher in the latter region).
This has led to the game becoming one of the most expensive titles in the 16-bit console's library on the secondary market, with copies changing hands for astronomical sums of money.
For example, at the time of writing, there are copies of the Japanese version on eBay listed for as much as £1,469.90 ($1,854.05 USD), while a copy of the Korean version is currently on sale for a staggering £7,408.79 ($9,346.11). Naturally, these are only asking prices and not 'sold' prices, but they give you some idea of how costly it is to own this particular game.

Thankfully, you'll soon be able to pick up a legit copy of Eliminate Down for significantly less – $54.99 / €69,99, in fact. Retro-Bit has acquired the rights to produce a new version of the game, marking the first release outside of Japan and South Korea.
It will come with a full-colour instruction manual, individually numbered lenticular cartridge slipcover and reversible inlay box art, which features both the original and new cover art. Furthermore, this new release will include an "unreleased code to make gameplay easier" in its manual.

The game is expected to launch in Q2 of 2024.