The Evercade is a rather intriguing physical-only handheld that we quite liked in our review last year, while a home console iteration that supports multiplayer, Evercade VS, is coming soon. In a little over a year the system has built up a unique collection of physical cart releases and bundles that has certainly attracted an eager audience of retro enthusiasts and collectors.
System creator Blaze Entertainment has now confirmed the 23rd cartridge joining the collection - 'Renovation Collection 1'. This one is quite interesting as the very deliberate goal is to release officially licensed versions of games that are rare and - in these cases - have never previously been released in Europe.
The cart will have 12 games that were originally published by Telenet Japan and also Renovation in the US. They never made it to Europe via either publisher, but Blaze Entertainment has teamed up with Edia Co Ltd for the official rights to bring the collection together.
The full list of games is below:
- Arcus Odyssey
- Beast Wrestler
- Dino Land
- El Viento
- Exile
- Final Zone
- Gaiares
- Granada
- Sol-Deace
- Traysia
- Valis: The Fantasm Soldier
- Valis 3
They're all from the 16-bit era, with only Arcus Odyssey seemingly making it to Super NES. Most - but not quite all - of the other releases were on SEGA Genesis along with lesser known Japanese home computers like the Sharp X68000. Sol-Deace did get a release in Europe as Sol-Feace, but only on CD-based add-on hardware rather than the original 16-bit cartridges.
Evercade cites to state the originals all boxed would cost just over $1400, or a little over $450 loose. Value aside it's a collection with some intrigue, with a mix of sidescrollers, shoot 'em ups, RPGs and more besides on the list.
Pre-orders won't open until November ahead of a release in early 2022; the pricing for the Evercade collections is typically £14.99 / €19,99, but that's not confirmed yet for Renovation Collection 1.
So, are any of you Evercade fans planning to pick this up?
This article was originally published by on Wed 14th July, 2021.
Comments 34
Wait... is that the Exile? Flying around caves with a jetpack? I never did complete it on the C64. Would love to play it again!
Normally I’d be like “Why not just port them to modern platforms?!” but buying all of these games originally would probably cost as much as a new car, so I appreciate them giving us a cheaper option.
@Ooyah Unfortunately not, this Exile is a genesis RPG that takes place in a sand kingdom where traditional battles are replaced with platforming segments. It’s honestly not that bad.
Granada...great game
Why do they take so long to come out?
I was hoping that Sega Konami etc would have had some games out on the evercade buy now
I am definitely not in the right demographic that this device is appealing to. Which is why I just don't find the game selection all that interesting.
But I do think it's cool that this device exists, and does seem to be getting support. When I first saw it announced, I wrote it off as yet another one and done retro-gimmick that would flop and never get further support.
I am frankly amazed that in the era of software piracy we now live, something like this is selling at all well. Guess it's a reminder that just because a crowd is loud, doesn't mean they're necessarily everywhere.
Rare games aren’t always good games unfortunately
Damn yes. One of the best announcements yet.
They should try and get them put in the Switch NSO SNES app.
I seriously need to get an Evercade.
Ah, I see. Thank you very much for the reply. Maybe one day I will get to play it again. But, otherwise, yeah... this game doesn't look bad either!
They're great. A lot of the games it's getting are more on the esoteric side and probably won't see released anywhere else, so it complements the Switch nicely. Good value as well, I paid between £3-5.00 for the Data East ports on Switch, so to get 8 games on a cart for £14.99 is not to be sniffed at.
Its another interesting collection in the Evercade library. I think I’m going to pass on this one though to focus on the games I still need to play on my console.
Arcus Odyssey? For the SNES?
Oh, I think there has been a US prototype ROM on the Internet for ages, but that game was actually only released in Japan.
@Ooyah Exile is better known for the TurboGrafx-CD port, published by infamous Working Designs (and particularly its sequel, which gained infamous for its difficulty level jacked up in the localized version).
As understand, the two games on TGCD were the latter two in a trilogy for '80s Japanese home computers (like MSX), I think. (where the games had a strange title like XZR or something).
Hmm. This is intriguing.. maybe I should look more into an Evercade. This is more up my alley than the Atari era stuff.
@RetroGamer07 You've got to see it from Evercades pov, - If this was available on digital platforms then everyone would get it on Switch and the Evercade team would be closer to a failed product. This is their baby, and they have essentially secured their main exclusive for it with this collection - and the biggest and only reason I might buy an Evercade. Sure it'd be better for us if there released on digital platforms, but for them - not so much. They probably had to do a lot of work to make this collection become a thing also, so maybe without Evercade there would be no talk of these games coming back onto the market at all.
Sad that one game they couldn't bring out (or maybe will come to a Volume 2) if they have access to the Telenet/Renovation library,
is a SNES action-RPG called Neugier.
I think there might be a collector out there hoarding a copy of the canceled US version, Journey Home: Quest for the Throne, which I don't believe has been preserved on the Internet. But if it's possible to also bring that canceled game to release, that'd be cool. (I know a fan translation has since been released of the same game.)
I know Renovation only actually released one SNES game of the games announced. (another game that made it to reviewers was Dream Probe, the planned US version of Psycho Dream, a game that was recently released internationally on Switch Online) I've seen another fans who runs a particular SNES fan site suggest that Sega had taken over Renovation by the time they could publish any other games.
Arcus Odyssey has a haunting soundtrack. I listen to it rather frequently!
this is a nice collection i remember having imported a few of these from us back in my well younger years.
Oh this is a day 1 purchase for sure. Mind you, I pre-order most Evercade carts, but this one I am really excited for.
To touch on the NL article yesterday about bad games you enjoy I think Trayasia on this collection hits that mark for me. I was starving for RPGs in the early days of the Genesis and this and Sorcerers Kingdom were some low spots. I still plowed through Trayasia just to witness some poor battle/design choices and early this year I wandered across a complete copy in a store and picked it up to witness the horror all over.
So in other words all those that bought those cartridges before are now screwed after buying all other previous cart release. That's just wonderful.
Say what? You're complaining that if someone bought these way back in the day, they're somehow being screwed because this exists, or did I misunderstand?
@SpringDivorce The name says it all. No more comments needed here.
I've never heard of those games, but that just proves they're doing something right IMO.
Very odd decisions for the games on this. Why have Valis 1 and 3 on this but not 2 or Syd? Same with El Viento as it’s part of a overarching storyline with Earnest Evans and Annett Futatabi.
@GameOtaku might do to with rights holders or maybee fingers crossed there will be vol 2 and include the amazing masters of monsters
This is woah. Looking forward to it.
More Valis?! Jeez I REALLY need to get an Evercade.
As mentioned, probably rights. At the price they sell the carts for, there probably isn't a lot of wiggle room when choosing the games. I think they're doing a pretty decent job so far.
Woah... I vaguely remember playing almost all of those games! Traysia is an interesting choice... besides some hilarious localization problems, it's overall a pretty mediocre RPG. However, the ridiculously catchy song that plays when you enter a shop will be forever embedded in my skull, and that alone makes this collection worth it.
Seems interesting, but skipping Valis 2 is definitely a missed opportunity. Now the trilogy release for the Switch becomes a must-have in order to play the first three games...
The 1 in "Collection 1" gives us some hope, but let's face it: it could be easily a year before the second collection is even announced, and it would be weird to get Valis 2 there. Strange move they did here.
Everything Evercade is worth buying and fun. Can’t wait for the VS home console in November. A lot of the games are the “B-Team” of game releases. But still fun!
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