This Dreamcast USB Adapter Lets You Use Third-Party Controllers 1
Image: @dclivenet

A new aftermarket USB adapter is available which allows you to use pads, keyboards and mice with your Dreamcast console.

The USB4MAPLE adapter by megavolt85 plugs into your Dreamcast's controller port and lets you use wired and wireless interface options with the console. For example, you can use an Xbox 360 wireless pad by twinning the USB4MAPLE with a PC wireless adapter.

USB4MAPLE is also compatible with the Mayflash Magic-NS Lite, which opens up your options to include modern-day Bluetooth wireless pads.

It's also possible to emulate the Dreamcast's VMU by using a USB splitter and a USB flash drive.

USB4MAPLE is available for $29.99, or $24.99 if you're ordering a pair.

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