The UK-based musician and inventor Sam Battle (better known by his channel name Look Mum No Computer) has used Game Boys in his music before, both as a synth and as a sound source. However, in his latest video published on YouTube only days ago, he tried something a little bit different with some truly fabulous results, taking advantage of a modded handheld to control and play a newly-composed piece of music on an old church organ via a MIDI out (thanks Kotaku!).

The video is a follow-up to another one the creator published eight days ago where he started experimenting with using a Game Boy (modded with an Arduino and equipped with a piece of software called ArduinoBoy) to communicate with a modular synthesizer and make it play some freshly-composed music with the Game Boy sequencer Little Sound Dj.

As Battle explains, after he was finished making that video, he immediately hooked up the Game Boy to the church organ that he purchased last year (and had previously rigged up to receive MIDI commands). He then composed another piece of music on Little Sound Dj using three separate channels to represent the organ's pedals, great keyboard, and swirl. The result is an epic piece that wouldn't sound out of place in modern-day Classicvania.

You watch both videos above for a more detailed explanation. If you find yourself enjoying them and want to support Battle further, he also has a Patreon page that you can support to access behind-the-scenes content.

[source, via]