Earlier this year, Sony was forced to take LittleBigPlanet 3's servers offline due to technical issues.
Now, the company has confirmed that the servers will remain offline "indefinitely", which means players no longer have access to creations made by the community.
Players will still be able to access user-generated content which is stored locally on their console, and the offline campaign mode will remain playable.
Here's the full statement:
Due to ongoing technical issues which resulted in the LittleBigPlanet 3 servers for PS4 being taken offline temporarily in January 2024, the decision has been made to keep the servers offline indefinitely. All online services including access to other players' creations for LittleBigPlanet 3 are no longer available. User generated content (UGC) stored locally on your PS4 will remain available. Any new UGC you create can be played on your PS4 but not shared. Offline features such as the campaign will remain playable.
LittleBigPlanet 3 launched back in 2014 and was developed by Sumo Digital, with assistance from series creator Media Molecule.