Released in 1997, Saturn Bomberman Fight!! was an attempt to do something a little different with the famous character.
Boasting a multitude of playable characters – each with their own unique storyline – the game used 3D visuals and an isometric perspective but sadly remained exclusive to Japan.
Fans are now translating the game into English, and a work-in-progress patch is now available (thanks, Sega Saturn Shiro).
The patch currently translates the game’s main menu and sub-menus into English, as well as the character select screen, end credits and three of the characters’ stories: Shiro, Kuro and Baguro. The team behind the project has confirmed that it will not be redubbing the Japanese voice work in the game.
The work has been carried out by Malenko, with help from SoloNerfHerder, BlueMoon95, Derek "ateam" and Black Dragon King.
You can download the patch here. Footage of the game is below, but it's the unpatched Japanese original.