Image: Intellivision

Intellivision's Amico just can't catch a break. Originally announced back in 2018, development on the system has been troubled, at best, with leadership changes and extensive delays leading many to question whether the system will ever be released. Although the company showcased an unboxing of a working Amico system back in March, it seems Intellivision has hit yet another roadblock, and this one seems pretty severe.

According to a report by VGC, Intellivision's CEO Phil Adam has sent an email out to customers who have pre-ordered the system with a rather damning update on the console's development.

Here's what he had to say:

"We have dramatically reined in operating costs, which unfortunately required a significant reduction in staff. Our resources are focused on engineering and testing to ensure we have a quality system, as we cannot succeed by producing anything less.”

Adam also stated that the company is currently in the process of licensing out its IP to other developers, claiming that such deals will help further fund development of the Amico while simultaneously raising awareness of Intellivision and its IP.

In other, perhaps more disappointing news, Intellivision's response to customers looking to receive refunds for their pre-orders has been delayed due to the aforementioned reduction in staff:

“We are slowly processing refund requests. The public’s uncertainty of our status in the last few months have understandably led to an influx of pre-order refund requests. Because of reduced staff and financing requirements for continued operation, our responses to and processing of these requests has been delayed. Rest assured that our intention is to honor all refund requests. We will allocate a portion of all new funding and staff time to winding down the refund queue, while our primary focus is funding and completing a quality product ready for manufacturing.”

Nevertheless, Intellivision reportedly hopes to start shipping production units at some point this year, with Adam stating that "it is critically important to show to our current/future investors, partners, and customers that we have built a sound platform that delivers on the in-home family experience".

Whether Intellivision actually follows through on its promises remains to be seen, but it's clear that consumer confidence in its validity is fading with each subsequent delay.

Read More
Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule

What do you make of Intellivision's latest update on the Amico? Are you confident we'll see the system launch this year? Let us know with a comment.

This article was originally published by on Wed 8th June, 2022.
