Well, we've come to the end of yet another week.
Damien's been on holiday this week, spending all of his hard-earned pennies in Sore Thumb Retro Games in York, so it fell to Jack to man the fort – and, as we're sure you'll agree, he's done a champion job.
This week, we reported on the fact that the Philips CD-i was getting new controller options, Perfect Dark has been decompiled, and a portable Amiga was on the way.
We also ran the following features:
- Unravelling The Confusing History Of Rambo On Japanese Computers
- How R-Type Was De-Made For The Game Boy, Before Demakes Were A Thing
- The Making Of WipEout, The Trailblazer Of 'Generation PlayStation'
- How RoboCop's Epic Game Boy Theme Lives On More Than 30 Years Later
- Why Did We Never Get A True 'Last Starfighter' Video Game?
But enough of that! You want to know what we've been playing this week, right?
Damien McFerran, Editorial Director
I've been on holiday for most of this week, spending some time in the lovely city of York. I took my Analogue Pocket with me (of course) and played some Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge in the shadow of York Minster. It seemed like the right thing to do, you know?
Jack Yarwood, Staff Writer
I’m still working my way through The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow, but I’ll likely be giving some other stuff a try on the side. Tōkidenshō Angel Eyes is on Arcade Archives at last, so I’ll be giving that a go on Switch and seeing how I get on! Ever since its release yesterday in Japan, I’ve been refreshing the store, waiting for it to finally drop in the UK. I'm excited to give a closer look.
Gonçalo Lopes, Contributor
My several-month-old (and ongoing) arcade air combat genre binge continues. After completing the masterpiece that is Aces of the Pacific on PS2 I am near the end of IR Guru’s next banger, Heatseeker, which gave me fond memories on Wii. I’ve also dusted up my Attack on Pearl Harbor PC disc and am currently playing the Japanese campaign for the first time. Time willing, I should jump onto the next virtual cockpit before Monday comes: Deadly Skies (AKA Air Force Delta) on Dreamcast. Konami’s take on Ace Combat flies really close to its Area 88 source material (to my absolute delight). I’m also keen on checking out this week’s Arcade Archives release of Tōkidenshō Angel Eyes, an all-female 1v1 fighting game that mixes a somewhat strange art direction choice by having the player decide between traditional sprite work characters or CGI modelled ones. Fascinating!
So, what are you playing this weekend? Let us know with a comment below!
Comments 12
...what is this, everyone took the weekend off to play modern games or something?
Anyway, as I mentioned above: It's very weird.
Playing Star Wars Arcade trilogy, with my new Grs flight yoke it amazing!!
I'm playing Alien: Isolation, as well as Resident Evil Revelations 2, and Castlevania Bloodlines!!
I recently connected up the Homebrew-d Wii, so I have been having some waggle fun.
On the roster so far has been Need For Speed: Undercover, Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga and a bit of House of the Dead 2 & 3 + Overkill
Just Cause 3 on my PS4, the game that keeps on giving.
So much stupid fun.
Also side-loaded Tavern Tapper on my Playdate which is pretty much an arcade port of Root Beer Tapper that uses the crank to fill the glasses.
Ver y good use of Playdates unique feature.
Getting seasonal with Evil Dead : A Fistful of Boomstick on Odin/PS2.
I’ve played all sorts today. 😅 I played some Sega Rally, Daytona, Time Crisis, Resident Evil 4 (I finally worked out some decent gyro controls on the Steam Deck), Ninja Gaiden Black, Puzzle Bobble and Street Fighter 2 Turbo.
@BulkSlash <3 SEGA Rally. Going by your avatar, I am assuming the Saturn port?
It is the epitome of an evergreen title for me. Perfect for 5 mins or 5 hours, amazing courses, brilliant tunes and top gameplay .
I wish we had an AGES release for that game... an Arcade and Saturn side (a la the SEGA Touring Car Saturn Port) would be an absolute dream!
Digging into StarFox Adventures! I never properly got around to it at release, but I'm a HUGE Rare fan, so I figured it's time.
@Kot_Box I started it last week! But then I got distracted... thanks for the reminder!
@AJB83 It was the arcade version of Sega Rally, I have a few cabs in my garage. Unfortunately I suck at it, I can beat the three main tracks but never get first on Lake Side! 😅
@BulkSlash That damned track, haha! I have beat it a couple of times only on the Arcade version (well, in Model 2 Emulator, at least), but I feel no shame in saying that I had to put it on the easiest mode to do that
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