To celebrate Bub and Bob's 38th birthday yesterday, Taito released Final Bubble Bobble on the Nintendo Switch eShop in Japan — an expanded Master System port of the original arcade game (thanks Gosokkyu for the spot!).
Final Bubble Bobble was originally released back in 1988 in Japan for the Sega Mark III — two years after the original — and arrived in Europe three years later in 1991 for the Sega Master System. It saw the introduction of various improvements to the original game, such as the addition of more secret rooms, items, endings, and bosses.
The game was previously offered in 2019 as an Amazon Japan exclusive Prime Day pre-order bonus for the Nintendo Switch version of Bubble Bobble 4 Friends, but this new rerelease will represent the first time it has been available as a standalone purchase for the console.
The game currently costs ¥660 and is available to download from the Japanese eShop. No Western release date has been announced yet, and it's currently unknown whether Taito also plans to release it overseas as well.