
Topic: Modern Retro Games to Download

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Back in 2020 I found myself with some unexpected free time... and what started as an experiment in Z80 assembler, quickly got out of control and turned into some new arcade inspired ZX Spectrum games, and a ZX emulation engine for Windows and Linux PCs - complete with CRT display simulation for extra retro goodness. The games are now available to download, as audio files for loading directly onto ZX machines, .tap and .tzx files for emulators and stand-alone applications for Windows and Linux PCs.

The games are free to try, full versions cost a small amount, to keep the site running and cover the cost of making them available, and thanks to the magic of QR codes, in a quite surreal turn of events its even possible to buy the full version(s) direct from a ZX Spectrum using a phone. The games are stupidly addictive and great fun to play. More information at:

[Edited by DreamlandGem]


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