This thread is for posting pictures of your collection! Either partial or full collections or even individual items. Consoles, handhelds, games, set ups, storage solutions - post it all here!
Post pictures of things you would like to highlight here!
My collection is a disorganized mess here are two pictures which show what I mean... I have a few videos showing what I have, some of which I have posted in the various threads for each system
@kerr9000 nice collection! Looks good! Interesting Game Gear boxes you got there. They are not UK ones are they? I think the UK ones were like silver with a blue grid pattern
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I think the same community rules have come over from NL/PS/PX too so I don't think we are allowed to post our own YT videos, or at the very least create threads specifically for them. (Unless you've asked for permission through the Contact Page and if you have already then please ignore me!)
You can link to your YT in your signature though!
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@kerr9000 That is a nice collection you have. Have you been accumulating those over the years of playing or are an active collector?
some stuff I have accumulated over the years, other stuff I have purchased for the sake of collecting.
I am not big on paying loads for old games, but I basically trawl through pawn stores and charity shops and such and grab what I can. Buying cheap games helps me unwind, im autistic and suffer from PTSD and the very act of grabbing even a cheap game just kind of helps wind my stress back in lol
@kerr9000 nice collection! Looks good! Interesting Game Gear boxes you got there. They are not UK ones are they? I think the UK ones were like silver with a blue grid pattern
I think the GameGear boxes are American , I dont remember, but I know they are sort of later re-releases.
Thanks for the advice I will refer back to this and try to embed future stuff
I collect a mixture of Japanese and PAL region games, my collection is probably about evenly split between the two.
This is now all packed up as my house is undergoing major renovations, but that will mean that the game room expands into my (not particularly big) loft.
Once the new game room is done I'll get some more pictures up.
@phillv85 jeebers H. crackers, that is an almighty collection! It looks like a shop from some angles! Well done, that's brilliant!!
I'm guessing you are a fan of oddities? (Same here btw.) I see the 360 HD DVD player up there (with an Argos product code sticker, no less) and is that the Taiko drum? Is it the one for Switch?
I think you have more SNES's than I could shake a stick at too 😅
My storage solution is to keep the cardboard boxes is out of sight (they are all tesselated under the bed) and to keep consoles and their cables in separate stackable plastic boxes which are all in the cupboard at the mo. Haven't hooked up anything non-HDMI since the pandemic though but the idea is that I can get one out, set it up, play it and put it away (limited space in my flat). Generally, I keep games in the same boxes unless I have too many games for the console so they end up on shelves.
Thanks guys, yeah, I do like my oddities. Two of my favourite pieces that aren’t photographed there are my N64DD and my Super Famicom Box. You can actually see the back of one of my SuFami Box carts behind the Virtual Boy.
The Taiko drum is indeed for the Switch, great little game series.
My collection properly started a little over 13 years ago. I’ve dropped in and out of console collecting over the years but it is the one thing I always come back to.
I zeroed in on the tatacon. Love taiko no tatsujin. Working on setting up my gaming room but it is smaller than my previous place so it helps me narrow things down. Mostly gonna have games I am currently playing, statues/figma and some posters. Trying to cut down on clutter. Luckily the broom closet that will hold the excess is next to the game room if I need to look for something.
Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.
Topic: Pictures of your Collection
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