If you hung around on the internet in the mid-to-late '90s and were a fan of retro gaming, there's a good chance that you'll have heard of Zophar's Domain, one of the early online websites dedicated to providing information on how to relive classic gaming systems on PC.

Created by Brad "Zophar" Levicoff in 1996, it gave people information on the latest freeware and shareware emulators and featured sections where like-minded individuals could talk about the latest in the world of emulation. That's in addition to potentially spawning what could possibly be the internet's first-ever emulation streaming series in 1999, years before websites like YouTube or Twitch even existed.

This streaming series was recently the subject of a brand new YouTube video from Levicoff, who is currently in the process of making a wider retrospective on his various online endeavours called "Retro Rewind". We were recently tipped off to the video after it went live and from watching it, we can wholeheartedly recommend giving it your eyeballs if you're at all interested in the early days of the emulation community online.

The video covers the four different episodes of the series, which was titled "Zophar's Underworld", and includes some fascinating insights from Levicoff who gives a brief summary of the topics that were covered and the low-tech set-up that brought the show to life.

It also goes into a little about the guests he invited onto the show (such as Gamers Uplink and Daikon) and how he eventually called time on the series to focus on other priorities like finding a career, buying a house, and getting a car.

If you enjoy the video, be sure to subscribe to Zophar's channel as more episodes of Retro Rewind are on the way.

[source youtu.be, via twitter.com]