The unofficial port of GTA 3 to Sega Dreamcast has caused quite a stir recently, and with good reason – it was considered by many to be an impossible job, but a dedicated team has managed to get the game up and running on the console – and the results are really impressive.
It's such a strong port that Digital Foundry's John Linneman has put together a video that directly compares it with the PS2 original, highlighting the changes and compromises that have been made as well as focusing on the incredible tricks that have enabled this feat.
While there are shortcomings – the Dreamcast struggles to replicate the motion blur effect of the original game, for example, and texture quality has been reduced to fit everything in memory – ultimately, the game remains perfectly playable and represents an amazing example of what Sega's console is capable of in the right hands.
And, as Linneman says himself, there's still room for improvement, and this port is likely to get better as time goes on.
If you fancy trying out the game yourself, then head over here.