Virtua Fighter
Image: Sega

The Virtua Fighter series has been around for over 30 years now. That's how long has passed since the original, groundbreaking release first entered the arcades back in 1993 to introduce players to the revolutionary and highly influential 3D fighting game from Sega Am2.

Yet, in spite of all that time that has passed, its fanbase hasn't stopped coming up with new and creative ways to express their love for the series (even if we are admittedly long overdue a proper follow-up to Virtua Fighter 5 on current-gen consoles).

A case in point is this fabulous Virtua Fighter robot from @automo_emo, which only recently came to our attention thanks to one of our contributors Ashley Day. This creation, which was apparently originally called "Automo 08" is designed to look like the series's iconic mascot Akira Yuki, and was allegedly inspired by people saying that the blocky, polygonal characters featured in the original game closely resembled the appearance of a robot.

@automo_emo first posted a look at a 2-player variation of Akira back in 2016, where they claimed it was based on an earlier robot they had created for a robot competition called Robo-One in Japan back in 2009. Since then, though, they have continued to upload fascinating videos of their creation on YouTube and Twitter, including a brief clip of the little Akira "playing" Virtua Fighter, while sitting in front of the Astro City Mini.

Honestly, we could watch this little robot potter around all day, and we'd love to see @automo_emo take on more video game characters in the future.
