A new Metroid game these days is cause for celebration, so it's hard to believe that we once got a pair of them in the same week.
Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion – both of which are now 20 years old – were released as a pair back in 2002. Prime was a glorious new direction for the franchise, taking Samus Aran into the realms of 3D, while the GBA title Fusion was still very much in the same vein as Super Metroid, the SNES title so beloved by fans of the series.

It's interesting to note that the connection between the two games was promoted heavily in this Japanese version of Fusion; it came with a leaflet which showed off both titles, and the ways in which the two could be connected.

Using the GameCube to Game Boy Advance link cable, additional content for Prime, including an emulated version of the original Metroid.