Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)

Resident Evil Revelations is a truly impressive achievement and the definitive ‘mature’ title on the 3DS. With production values worthy of a home console release, a significant volume of content, a blend of the series’ different game styles and a subtly evolved control system, this title feels like a tribute to and progression of the franchise. There are some downsides though, including spikes in difficulty and drops in frame rate that are occasionally jarring in contrast to the rest of the title. All the same, Revelations has something to offer Resi fans old and new – there are few experiences on the 3DS more engrossing or exciting.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PS1)

Famously divisive at the time of release, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was criticised for being too short, but it has one ace up its sleeve which ensures it is fondly remembered, even today: the titular Nemesis, a fearsome beast which appears throughout the game to stalk the player, ratcheting up the already impressive degree of tension to insane levels. This one would be remade in 2020 as plain old Resident Evil 3.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PS4)

At its very best, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is a barnstorming survival horror with some truly brilliant boss fights. Granted, the game isn't always able to maintain its own high standards, but it eclipses its abysmal predecessor with ease. While it borrows ideas from a variety of different sources, it manages to feel both original and old-school all at the same time. And even though fans are likely to be divided by the release's direction, make no mistake: this is the change that the series has needed for quite some time.

Resident Evil - Code: Veronica (Dreamcast)

Capcom's support of the Sega Dreamcast was significant; a vital vote of confidence when the console needed it the most. The resultant game, Code: Veronica, remains a superb title and the first to use full-3D visuals for backgrounds, rather than CGI. Hailed as one of the best instalments in the series at the time of release, it would later make its way to the PS2 and GameCube following relatively low sales on Dreamcast – an unfortunate consequence of the console's low install base.

Resident Evil (GCN)

One of the games to play alone, this Resident Evil remake lived up to and exceeded all expectations. The amount of backtracking is actually a pleasure at times, and the possibility of encountering new monsters prevents things from becoming too repetitive. The updated photorealistic visuals and extra content make it worth revisiting for old fans as well. If you are one of the few to have not played Resident Evil games before, buy this game. If you are one of the lucky many to have played Resident Evil games already, buy this game.

Resident Evil Village (PS5)

While the Resident Evil series has been on a high for a number of years now, Resident Evil Village sets an entirely new standard. Its cast of villains is up there with the very best, memorable sequences and gameplay sections beg to be played over and over again, and a sense of constant dread created by the atmosphere and soundtrack keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even the combat is solid this time around and the lengths Capcom has gone to take advantage of the PS5 pays off with impressive Ray-Tracing. Does it better Resident Evil 4? Maybe not, but it's damn close. Real damn close. Resident Evil Village is an essential playthrough for anyone with even a passing interest in the franchise.

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)

The controls in Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition are spectacular (to a degree where we'd say the game was made for them) and the graphics are engrossing. Tie in an incredible (if not somewhat clichéd) storyline and atmosphere you could slice with a knife and you have one of the games of the year on your hands. Seriously – clear your mind that you've completed this before and just play it all over again. You won't regret it.

Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

Resident Evil 2 might be one of the most accomplished remakes of the generation. A number of mechanics have been updated and introduced in order to bring the game into the modern era, but this is still very much the classic experience you remember – inventory management, limited ammunition, and all. Capcom has lovingly recreated every historic location and moment you remember from 1998, and you owe it to yourself to witness that spectacle first-hand.

Resident Evil 2 (PS1)

How could you possibly top the original Resident Evil, a game which had sold millions and created a legion of dedicated fans? Simple, you multiply everything by two! Resident Evil 2 not only came on two discs (for one each playable character) but also massively expanded the game world, allowing you to explore the streets of Racoon City in the middle of a zombie crisis. Considered by some to be the apex of the 'classic' Resi series, this is a gem in the PS1's library and well worth playing, even if the superior modern-day remake exists.

Resident Evil 4 (PS5)

Nearly 20 years later, Resident Evil 4 is just as much of a masterpiece today as it was in 2005. Capcom has faithfully remade a genuine classic by bringing it into the modern age and kitting it out with new content, tremendous combat, and striking visuals. What was there before was already enough to consider Resident Evil 4 one of the best games of all time, but now it earns that title in 2023 off the back of better environments and sublime action. This is Resident Evil at its absolute pinnacle; an utterly outstanding experience that will live long in the hearts of longtime fans while inducting a whole new generation of supporters.