I guess this thread can be used to discuss various solutions for connecting retro consoles to modern displays.
Recently I’ve been after a solution for the original PlayStation and PlayStation 2 to connect to a 4K TV. I’ve got a cheap HDMI adapter for my PlayStation 2 but it struggles to display PS1 games, and AV cables are just… destroying my eyes.
Has anybody here managed to get both the PS1 and PS2 displaying correctly on a modern TV?
@exit Your aren't going to.get.them to display correct on a modern TV unless you mod them. Probably the easiest route to go is just to buy an older TV that's what I do for my older consoles. You can usually find an older TV at Thrift stores or garage sales.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@Tasuki not true, there are products around that do a good job of this. Problem is they aren’t cheap.
I’ve been using the OSSC for a few years and it’s a little fiddly but works well. I’ve got an Retro TINK 5x coming this week that we’ll likely review here on Time Extension.
These devices do a really good job of upscaling RGB signals from old consoles and outputting them for modern TVs.
Actually we should probably review the older OSSC too, so watch this space 😇
@antdickens Oh wow those are awesome, I didn't even know they had stuff like that. I only knew about modding a console to be able to look right on a modern TV. You weren't kidding that they aren't cheap, which sadly I can't justify paying that price vs a few dollars for an older TV.
Reviews for those and products like them would be awesome.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
Ive got two retrotinks. One for RGB scart and another for component cables. Looking at upgrading to a retrotink 5 at some point. These work really well and although its not perfect the image is really good.
@Tasuki As much as I would love a CRT display, I unfortunately don’t really have the space for one. I’ve managed to get emulators to look great on my TV with the help of shaders. I like to try and mimic the CRT look.
Ah man, I would love a CRT setup, but I mainly just play in my living room. Nothing beats the original intended hardware though.
@antdickens Thanks for the details! I actually wouldn’t mind spending the money if it mean’t having a quality solution. Definitely looking forward to your reviews! The Retro TINK 5x looks pretty cool.
@TheIronChimp It would be interesting to see how it compares to the previous Retro TINKs.
@exit Oh I agree that's why I stick with the original systems if I can and have a CRT TV. I played with emulators in the past, had an OUYA that I loaded up with emulators and such and I even have a "magic" original Xbox. I even have several collections for current Gen systems like The Mega Man Legacy Collections and the Kunio-Double Dragon Collection on the Switch, The Disney Afternoon Collection on the Series X and the Castlevania Collection on PS4 and will be getting the TMNT Cowabunga Collection here at the end of the month. Still.though something just feels of when I play games on those machines. I don't know if my head can't wrap around the idea that it's a different controller, the sound being off or what.
But yeah original hardware all the way.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@Tasuki So when it comes to emulation I bought myself some replica controllers (N64, SNES, DualShock) which makes gaming feel pretty close to the original system. Most emulation is pretty good nowadays and can mimic a CRT pretty well. The Switch is pretty good too. However still, part of me just wants to have the original systems all set up and looking great on my TV.
Nothing beats the feeling of slapping a disc or cartridge in every session. I miss the simplicity of it.
So when it comes to emulation I bought myself some replica controllers
I did this too when I had the Raspberry Pi set up. Between those and the slew of mini console, NSO and "official" replicas that have come out since then, I am up to my eyeballs in controllers.
Funnily enough, I just settled for a cheapo £6 Argos ps3-style controller for playing games on it. As much fun as all the controllers were, it was much easier to just map one controller.
Doesn't look like they sell that pad any more, shame really as I only bought it a couple years ago
I bought a Retrotink 5x last year, worth every penny. It takes absolutely anything you can throw at it and looks incredible. I was a CRT diehard for years until this thing arrived and I honestly prefer it now. As long as you have a decent modern TV, you get a very authentic looking experience with none of the hassle of ancient tech upkeep. I know it seems expensive, but I've had more use out of it than my PS5 & Series X which cost significantly more. If you still have OG hardware kicking around, I highly, HIGHLY recommend it. Wonderful little piece of kit.
Topic: HDMI Solutions
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