
Topic: Moments in Gaming History Discussion

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This topic will be for the discussion of certain aspects of Video Game history, launches, advertisements, publications and the overall public response.

I'll start this off with Pokemon Mania from the late 1990's in my own country, Australia. While this relates to not only the games, I think it is relevant given that Pokemon began with the early GB games in Japan. I remember while the younger generation were crazy for Pokemon in the late 90s, the community response was not as pleasant. Some schools even had to place a ban on Pokemon trading cards. It's hard to describe just how crazy Pokemon Mania was back then.

What are some other aspects of gaming's very long history that stand out for you?

[Edited by exit]



Back when People on TV were complaining that the SNES was too expensive , or the whole court case involving games being too adult..... I love the whole moral panic side of things.



kerr9000 wrote:

Back when People on TV were complaining that the SNES was too expensive , or the whole court case involving games being too adult..... I love the whole moral panic side of things.

It's never really changed has it? It was more so directed at video games themselves pre millennium. While they are generally an accepted form of media now, people still find things to be upset about.



@exit Yeah every time there's a bad shooting or knifing games get pulled over the coals.... but hey before games it was Video Nasty films and before that it was the horror comics of the 50's. People never want to admit blame or do anything just blame a current thing and make it a scape goat... games still get some of it but some has moved onto the internet.



I remember after Nintendo basically dominated in the US for the 8-bit years, there was this rush to 16--bit and several new players got into the market.

Sega was actually competing hard with the Genesis, for some of us (like me) the TG-16 was so cool and unique, Atari came back with the Lynx (the 16-bit handheld), and then of course the SNES, among others.

It was so wild going to the video rental store and being able to rent games from ALL of these systems.

It was a really vibrant time in gaming, and there were so many new ideas.



The announcement of the PS1:

‘$299’ <mic drop>

The rest is history…

‘You swapped three different N64 games for Pokemon Stadium? Where’s your pride? Your dignity?!?

‘…I traded it for a Pikachu’

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