R-Type Tactics
Image: Irem

We've got a double-helping of R-Type news for you today. Earlier on, we reported on the fact that R-Type Final 3 Evolved is coming to the PS5 in 2023, and now we have the news that both R-Type Tactics games are getting a re-release on Switch.

Granzella has confirmed that the two titles – which originally launched on the Sony PSP – are coming to Switch in 2023 under the name R-Type Tactics I • II Cosmos. This follows on from an earlier confirmation in April.

Released in 2007, R-Type Tactics was a turn-based take on Irem's famous shooter series and was known as R-Type Command in the west. 2009's R-Type Tactics II: Operation Bitter Chocolate never made it out of Japan.

The collection is confirmed to be coming out next year in Japan, but there's no word on a Western release at present.

[source nintendolife.com]